Under unfavorable conditions a residential wind generator may still produce power, but the return on investment will take much longer. Under such circumstances a smaller less expensive home wind power generator may be the best option.
The entry point for a home wind power generator has become quite reasonable. There are now small light wind residential wind generators that can be purchased for three to four hundred dollars.
For larger Wind Solar Power System half the cost of installation can be the tower. The advantage of small wind power generators is the ability to be mounted on existing structures such as roof tops. Also in many cases no special equipment other than a ladder are required to install.
Many home owners are capable of making the home wind power generator installation themselves. The amount of energy each individual can produce may only be a portion of their needs, but because of the low cost and ease of installment more people can own a home wind power generator.
State and Federal rebate and tax incentives can reduce the equipment and labor costs of an installation as much as 30%. This is a very good stimulus to get people involved residential wind generators.
Because more people can become involved, the impact of small residential wind turbine could be significant.
Most return on investment schedules are based on current energy costs. Because energy costs are likely to rise annually the actual return on investment from residential wind generators may be much sooner than predicted.
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