目前分類:mixer truck parts (2)

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Concrete mixing vehicle use the most trouble in addition to pot, segregation problem is also very headache. Stirred tank bigger and more easily from the dilute? What is the segregation of the reasons?The truck home forum many card is also discussed, Xiaobian also questioned some of concrete mixer parts truck manufacturers related personnel, the main reason for segregation or mixing technical problem, but the mixer improper use will cause the concrete segregation phenomenon.

Simple to say is the main material of mortar and concrete in the sand separation. From Baidu encyclopedia more professional explanation is: the concrete mixture composition material between the cohesion is insufficient to resist the coarse aggregate sinking, composition of concrete mixture are separated from each other, causing the internal composition and structure of the phenomenon of uneven.


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Mixer truck parts primarily chassis and upload part,simply can be divided into:chassis systems,hydraulic transmission,mixing tank,discharging systems,cleaning systems,sub-frame,steering systems,roller systems,feeding systems,circuit ten integral part of the system.

1.Chassis systems:The main part of the mixer,the whole function is to transport concrete mixer from the chassis to achieve.


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